Saturday, February 13, 2010

Who says you need to buy a guitar?

While we're on the topic of movies that rock, I finally got a chance to see It Might Get Loud. It's a documentary whose premise is getting three guitar legends from three different generations together in a make-shift living room in a big warehouse and seeing what happens. What happens is awesome. The discussion/jam session is intercut with narratives on the back story for each guitar hero; where they started, how they became who they are. The three masters are Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White. The film does a great job demonstrating the innovative style of The Edge, the technical chops of Jimmy and a little of both from Jack. It's been stated on this blog before that I have strong feelings for Jack and I have new-found respect for The Edge after watching this film, but it's clear who the electric messiah is here. Just look for the awestruck smirks on the other two's faces when Jimmy starts playing the Whole Lotta Love riff.

This will serve as a great warm-up as we anticipate the release of Under The Great White Northern Lights, the White Stripes live DVD, arriving March 16, 2010. More to come on that...

1 comment:

  1. Great doc. Even if you don't like all three artisits, any aspiring musician needs to check this out.

    And if you love TWS, you'll love Under Great White Northern Lights. I caught it in Toronto and it's awesome.
