What a difference a year makes. Last December I was scrounging to throw together a top 5 albums list of 2009. This year, on the other hand, the cup runneth over as I’m once again putting forth a list of ten phenomenal releases from the past twelve months. This year’s list still has a strong indie rock representation, but 2010 brings a little more diversity to the table with a good amount of contemplative folk, a dash of dependable blues and even a set of live covers of Italian film score songs (!)
Yes, it was a great year in music, though not exactly the year I was expecting. Many of the artists making appearances on my best of the year lists in the recent past released new albums this year that surprisingly fell short. Bands like Spoon, Dr. Dog, and Blitzen Trapper released solid but ultimately forgettable new music and didn’t make the cut. Other artists were involved with side projects that were high priority when I heard news of their upcoming releases, but lower priority after I actually heard the material. Maximum Balloon, side project of TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek missed the mark for me as did, with much regret, the second Dead Weather album.
This year I was also reminded that beauty is in the ear of the beholder. I may have spent too much time seeking out critically lauded albums instead of focusing my efforts on my specific tastes. I tend to do this because I like to be exposed to new and exciting sounds and am always interested in broadening my horizons. To some degree it works and a few of them did end up on my list. In other instances I’m left scratching my head. A prime example is the new release from Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti. Am I the only who feels like I’m the butt of a huge universal joke, perpetrated by every critic, music blogger and iTunes user in the country? What is redeeming about this music? The craziest part is that most reviews say this is his most accessible album to date. At any rate, this is the last bit of energy and attention I’ll be devoting to Ariel Pink and I advise anyone who reads this to follow my lead.
On to more worthwhile topics. Tomorrow I’ll kick off my best of 2010 list with number ten. In a year packed with so much quality, it’s only fitting that the final spot on my list comes down to a photo finish. Much like the NCAA’s added a play-in 65th team to the bracket, I’ve expanded my list to include a three-band playoff. As the Christmas season concludes and we’ve been inundated with Jingle Bells, Silver Bells and Carol of the Bells I felt it only appropriate to stick with the theme. Check back here tomorrow for the Battle of the Bells.
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