It was tougher to compile this list than I expected. Lots of good stuff in the Oh's. I have a top thirty in no particular order - except for the top 10, which are also in no particular order. I have no doubt my top 10 were influenced by recency. It's hard to avoid it. Parenthetical tracks are especially tasty.
Plant & Krauss - Raising Sand (Gone, Gone, Gone)
Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs (MX Missiles)
Bright Eyes - Lifted (Make War)
Cody Chesnutt - The Headphone Masterpiece (Eric Burdon)
Damien Rice - O (Eskimo)
Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat (Paw Paw Tree)
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (Take Me Out)
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (Cheerleader)
Kings of Leon - Youth & Young Manhood (Spiral Staircase)
Nick Cave - Dig Lazarus Dig (More News From Nowhere)
Once Soundtrack (Say It To Me Now)
Radiohead - Kid A (Everything in It's Right Place)
Ray LaMontagne - Till the Sun Turns Black (You Can Bring Me Flowers)
Spoon - Gimme Fiction (The Beast and Dragon, Adored)
Stephen Malkmus - Stephen Malkmus (Jo Jo's Jacket)
Johnny Cash - American IV, The Man Comes Around (We'll Meet Again)
Strokes - Is This It (Last Nite)
Elliott Smith - Figure 8 (I Better Be Quiet Now)
Loretta Lynn - Van Lear Rose (Portland, Oregon [of course])
Tom Waits - Orphans (all of 'em)
Air - Walkie Talkie (Venus)
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain (Wolf Like Me)
White Stripes - White Blood Cells (Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground)
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Jesus, Etc.)
Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely (Old Enough)
Black Keys - Rubber Factory (When The Lights Go Out)
Blitzen Trapper - Furr (Furr)
Menomena - Friend and Foe (Air Aid)
Department of Eagles - In Ear Park (Phantom Other)
William Elliott Whitmore - Song of the Blackbird (Everyday)